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Much Ado About Nothing Reversible Pulpit Flower Arrangements

The Old Globe, San Diego 

Davies Festival Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

(Middle Separator created out of Fence Wire and Wooden Rod, and then inserted into Floral Foam. Pulpit Wicker Baskets Spray Painted Black and Silver with glitter added on top. Flowers trimmed, arranged, and floral wired into place. Hand made bow and ribbon added for extra special touch. Wicker baskets cut down to reduce height during technical rehearsals.)

Designer: John Lee Beatty

Much Ado About Nothing Re-Upholstered Chairs

The Old Globe, San Diego 

Davies Festival Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

(Chair Frames pulled from stock and stripped down. New Plywood Seats were added to the chair frames and then Edge Roll was stapled along the perimeter. The seat foam was cut using a paper template and given 45 degree edges for a nice transition into the Edge Roll. A muslin based was upholstered on first to shape the seat. Upholstery fabric was then evenly stapled over top. Gold Gimp Trim was hot glued and stapled around the perimeter. 

Designer: John Lee Beatty

Anna in the Tropics Lanterns

San Diego State University

Don Powell Theatre

(White Paper Lanterns Mod Podged in tissue paper and decorative napkins. Large "Magic Lanterns" trimmed in ribbon with LED power. Created in collaboration with Master Electrician Peter Nordyke)

Designer: Victoria Vitola

Anna in the Tropics Cigar Stations

San Diego State University

Don Powell Theatre

(Leaves, Chavetas (Cutting Knives), Molds, Cigars, and Cutting Boards all hand made and painted by shop artisans: Scott Boynton, Perla Bshara, Gabby Coronado, Kristen Flores, Emily Small, and Victoria Vitola; Tables made by Dustin Ozment)

Designer: Victoria Vitola

Ken Ludwig's Robin Hood Hanging Lanterns

World Premiere at The Old Globe, San Diego

Sheryl & Harvey White Stage

Supervisor | David Buess

(Wood Base, Bent Steel, and Riveted - Welding and Paper Finish in collaboration with Old Globe Artisans)

Designer: Tim Mackabee

Benny & Joon

(Anon)ymous Toy Boat

San Diego State University

Experimental Theatre

Supervisor | Kristen Flores

(Sanded 2x4 and 1x4, smokestack dowels inset, details brad nailed. Paint Technique: painted primary colors, then sanded. Burnt/Raw umber wash over top)

Designer: Ray Leonard

Benny & Joon Train (in collaboration with Jacob Sampson)

World Premiere at The Old Globe, San Diego

Donald & Darlene Shiley Stage

Supervisor | David Buess

(Detail wood work for railing, wheels, vents, and stairs - window details cut from matte board)

Designer: Dane Laffrey

Robin Hood

Benny & Joon Magnetic Paper Crane

World Premiere at The Old Globe, San Diego

Donald & Darlene Shiley Stage

Supervisor | David Buess

(Map Printed Paper, Origami Folding Technique, Contact Paper, Steel placed to match up with magnets in costume with Epoxy)

Designer: Dane Laffrey

Imaginary Invalid Rotating Night Lamp

The Old Globe, San Diego

Sheryl & Harvey White Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

(Hand drawn design, Cut out of textured paper with velum underneath, completed with Kraft Paper Tape border. Steel structure underneath created by Emily Small. )

Designer: Takeshi Kata

The Matsuyama Mirror Kokeshi Dolls

San Diego State University

Experimental Theatre 

Supervisor | Kristen Flores

(Painted Based on Kokeshi Costume Renderings by Emily Wilson)

Hamlet Grave Skulls

The Old Globe, San Diego

Davies Festival Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

("Dirt" created with White Glue, Water, Simple Fix Adhesive & Grout, Sawdust, Cork, and Paint)

Designer: John Lee Beatty

King Richard II Breakable Mirror

The Old Globe, San Diego 

Davies Festival Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

(Paint technique - Gilded with gold leaf and aged with sponging. Plastic finished with Mirror Frost spray paint. Frame created by Rory Murphy and Smash Plastic Insert created by Emily Small.)

Designer: John Lee Beatty

King Richard II Reed Sleds

The Old Globe, San Diego

Davies Festival Theatre

Supervisor | David Buess

(Wood Palettes with greenery inserted in foam. Paint technique - Thinned Paint and Vermiculite sprayed with Hopper Gun.)

Designer: John Lee Beatty

A Midsummer Night's Dream "Love-in-Idleness" Flower

San Diego State University Theoretical Project

(Flower Petals scanned from Clay Models and 3D Printed; 3Doodled Structure Allows for Hand Movement)

Ken Ludwig's Robin Hood Metal Barrel

World Premiere at The Old Globe, San Diego

Sheryl & Harvey White Stage

Supervisor | David Buess

(Metal Barrel used for weight, Painted with Shellac and FEV, Matte Top Coat Finish )

Designer: Tim Mackabee

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