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Plays By Young Writers

Scenic Designer

Playwrights Project's 32nd festival of winning plays from the 2016 California Young Playwrights Contest

Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre | The Old Globe | San Diego, CA

January 2017

Program B - Pros & Cons
Program A - Supermarket of Lost
Program A - Hackathon
Program B - Dumping Ground
Program B - Pros & Cons
Program A - Supermarket of Lost
Program A - Supermarket of Lost
Program A - Hackathon
Program A - Hackathon
Program B - Pros & Cons
Program A - Supermarket of Lost
Program B - Pros & Cons
Program B - Dumping Ground
Program B - Dumping Ground
Program A - Hackathon
Research Collage
Research Collage
Research Collage
Research Collage

Click pictures to expand.

Executive Producer | Cecelia Kouma  Festival Artistic Director | Ruff Yeager   Production Manager | Kevin Six

Scenic Designer & Charge Scenic Artist | Victoria Vitola   Lighting Designer | Karin Filijan   Sound Designer | Chad Lee


Costume Design | Jordyn Smiley   Properties Designer | Angelica Ynfante

Program A: Supermarket of Lost written by Cassandra Hsiao, directed by George Ye

      Hackathon written by Eliana Salzer Dunn, directed by George Ye

Program B: The Dumping Ground written by Matthew Maceda, directed by Wendy Maples

Pros and Cons written by Katie Taylor, directed by Phil Johnson  

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